Tuesday, September 1, 2015


The planned "rest day" in Foix was designed for us to cycle to the Grotte de Niaux.  But last night's storm and forecasts for heavy rain today dampened the desire.  Glenn and Patrice decided to rent a car for the grotto so we joined them. The grotto has paintings that are 13,000 and 14,000 years old.  This is a BIG cave.  We were only allowed in one room, the Salon Noir "Black Room" (since all drawings are black) and it was a fairly strenuous two hour hike in and out.

 Being somewhat of a photographer as well as a blog author gives me a distorted view of the world.  When I look at something I see it not for what  it is but rather as a photograph, possibly for my blog. I'm more interested in photographs of things than the things themselves.  So you can imagine my dismay at learning I couldn't take any photographs in the cave. (I even tried with my Android phone but got caught.)  

We saw 13,000 year old drawings of buffalo, horses and goats, but you won't see them.  The image below isn't real - it's from a book.  It wasn't even from this cave.  But hopefully, you'll "get the picture."

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