Sunday, September 6, 2015


It's been a long time, maybe 12 years, since we've seen this part of the Mediterranean.  I'd forgotten how blue the water is.  But we saw it as we approached Collioure yesterday.

Last night at Happy Hour, Gilbert provided samples of French cheeses.

Our leaders, Jane and Gilbert.

The first time we were here, I believe we were cycling in Biarritz on the tandem, I was quite anxious to "observe" nude (female) bathers.  Brenda told me to watch the road and assured me she would notify me of anything I wanted to see.  Of course, she never notified me!

Any nude bathers here?
We went to one of several markets this morning.  It was wall-to-wall people everywhere.  You can get almost anything at the market. Except, of course, a replacement for my broken shoelace. 

Brenda and I visited the Chateau Royal de Collioure, more restored than previous castles we're visited.  They had an excellent photo exhibit from Leon "Pierre" Parce (1894 - 1979).

Chateau Royal de Collioure
We had  great lunch, off the beaten bath, but still near the beach. Now, after a half liter of wine, I need a nap before tonight's happy hour. 


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