Wednesday, June 19, 2019

in Cardona

This was an off day for everyone, the penultimate day of the tour.  A few took the bus to Edinburgh.  Most of us just hung out, catching up on email and reading.  Brenda and I went to nearby Peeples for lunch and visited a couple of churches.  We saw a third church, but it had been converted into a theater.  Supposedly there is a house in town which was constructed 900 years ago and has been inhabited by the same family for 300 years.  I didn’t know what to look for and of course didn’t find it.
Our hotel / spa / golf club.  Apparently rain doesn't stop golfers.

Downtown Peebles.

St Peter's Church

Church of Scotland - Peebles Old Parish Church
It drizzled most of the day despite forecasts of heavy rain.  This seems to be a pattern; the rain is never as bad as forecast.  Only light rain and light winds are forecast for tomorrows ultimate ride to Edinburgh.

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