Monday, June 17, 2019


No blogs lately and may not be any for a while

1. Immediately after the Scotland ride I fell and sprained my ankle.  At least that's what I think; I see a doctor at 3:20 today (Mon, 6/17).  I am supposedly leading the Ireland bike tour which started this morning but I can barely walk much less ride.

2.  When we flew from Edinburgh to Dublin on Saturday Aer Lingus lost our luggage and it has not been found 48 hours later.  Missing are my laptop, my BiPAP machine, all medications for the next two weeks, name badges for the Ireland riders, etc,

Future blogs are probable at best.


  1. Well, damn! I hope the ankle heals and your luggage is located.

  2. this is not good ! For all the rides you two have done, this one has seemed
    more troublesome than others. Take heart, the sun will shine, the wine will
    be good and you will survive.
